And, if it meets your expectations, you will know what to continue to do to keep the momentum versus hoping for the best.

It's already mid-year, and where did the time go? You probably just had or are planning a meeting where you'll talk about how your strategy is going. Is your plan on track or not? And, if not, what's the plan to fix it? And if everything's going according to plan, how do you keep that momentum going when faced with uncontrollable circumstances that you don't even know about yet? Needless to say, it's probably a stressful or uneasy time for you right now, but it doesn't have to be.
By the way, have you noticed how you get along with the people you're meeting with? Do you get frustrated with any of them? You probably could talk to some people all day because you like them so much, right? Some you have no patience with, and some you don't have to connect with at all, and you can just get to the point. They know what you want, without you having to explain the details.
Do you ever wonder why you have different relationships with different people? Probably not, but if you're curious, I guess your answer would be that some people are easier to get along with because of their personalities. Some people are stubborn, some are smart, and you don't understand how some of them are in their roles, because they just don't seem on the same page.
Did you ever think that other people might have the opposite relationship with those same people than you, and their relationship is just as true? Someone you might think is difficult, others may find them open and easy to connect with. Someone who frustrates you because they don't seem on the same page, others may find knowledgeable and effective.
You're probably wondering where I'm going with this, and how it relates to your strategy currently. But stay with me here.
Research says we have ~60,000 thoughts in 24 hours. Most of them are unconscious, and almost all of them are negative. That's fascinating, right?
People tend to believe their own thoughts, even if they aren't true. We create evidence to support our beliefs. Yeah, I can believe that a person is incompetent, and my brain will find evidence to prove me right, even though it's not true for someone who believes that the same person is fully capable and competent. Fascinating!
When I learned this, I was totally shocked. It was relatable to everything I've experienced in my 20+ years in manufacturing. All my experience played back in my mind in a blink. I spent a year mastering and understanding these concepts, because I know they're EVERYTHING, and it would be a game changer and help many people transform their lives.
I've learned a lot, but to sum it up, thoughts are optional. They're just sentences in her head. We give things meaning, and we can purposely decide what that meaning is.
So, why does this matter? Your thoughts aren't creating your results, contrary to popular belief. Your thoughts create your emotions, which drive your actions and produce your results. And, over 95% of the time, you don't know what you are thinking. You're blindly taking action, without even realizing it.
Now, back to your strategy and how it's performing. Doesn't that make you wonder what your unconscious thoughts are about your strategy? What emotions were behind your roll out, how you answered questions about it, who you got involved and how you communicated it?
What about all those unconscious thoughts from the people responsible for executing the strategy? If they're feeling negative and taking action from those emotions, no wonder your results are subpar. They're busy proving their negative thoughts true. But, you are thinking the strategy isn't working! Maybe it's not the strategy itself, but what people think about it. Maybe it's what you think about it, unconsciously.
This is great news, right? Your plans are probably failing because of what people think about them, not because of the circumstances. This is good news, because we can change our thoughts, but often circumstances are out of our control.
I'm glad I learned a 5-step model that helps my clients get the results they want on purpose by managing their minds. This model is the world's best kept secret. It can solve any problem, and it shows you simply what's creating your desired and undesired results and what to do about it. A big part of it is becoming aware of your thoughts, and then choosing, on purpose, what you want to think instead. This is everything!
If we aren't conscious of and manage our thoughts, our mind will take over and do it for us. It's like a runaway stagecoach or a computer operated by an unknown virus.
It reminds me of when you zone out or fall asleep while doing something. You wake up and pick up where you left off, as if nothing ever happened. It's like you're asleep, but you wake up to deal with the aftermath of the unconscious mind. This happens on autopilot, repeating patterns, and we only become aware of it when we notice how we feel and the results we create.
The problem is, however, we often ignore our emotions and believe outside circumstances create our results. We give all our power away and become a victim of our own preconceived notions about what is possible.
This is normal human behavior, by the way. We all fall victim to it, you just have to become aware of it and learn to manage it.
Now circling back to the relationships you have with the people you will meet with or with whom you work. Those thoughts are optional, too. Don't create problem employees or awful bosses where there aren't any. Create employees and bosses that are open, willing and believe in your vision. But, it starts with you.
It's time to wake up and become a conscious leader!

I know you are busy, and I like to offer high value in exchange for time.
Download my free guide to uncover your unconscious thoughts that you prove true through your actions, as evidenced by your performance results. It is a game changer if you are willing to invest time in yourself. It's not meant to be used to judge yourself. It's an awareness exercise to uncover where there are opportunities to change or not. It's all optional.
If your results aren't meeting your expectations, this guide will tell you why. Use this guide to focus on your strategy or pick a part of it that you are most concerned about.
And, even if your strategy is working like a well oiled machine, following this guide will let you know what to continue doing to keep the momentum going versus hoping nothing changes.